Its no secret that I love Unicorns. Within 10 minutes of meeting me I'll have tried to work unicorns into the conversation in one way or another. I actively (obsessively) collect any and all forms of Unicorn clothing, ceramics, art, bongs, toys, jewelry, the list goes on and on and on...... Anyway, I thought I'd start my blog with what I know and love best. Hopefully these items will give you as much joy as they give me. Look for more to come soon.
Here is a fancy green ceramic lamp I found in a thrift store in Alameda Ca, and under that is a light up night light. The light is in the wood portion, the unicorn is actually blow glass and is removable. its pretty rad.

This Next piece is really special to me, It was a gift from my dear friends Alan and Heather for my 25th Birthday. Heather, made the bag (its lined with a beautiful psychedelic glitter fabric which is the same as the rad dress she made too! Pictures soon) And Alan painted the unicorn. Coincidentally, Alan is a bitching poster artist/painter.

This is my favorite one of them all...... Donny made it for my for my 25th birthday. Lots of people know that Donny is an amazing artist but not many people know how good he is working in other mediums. Wood for instance. He took a "Roller Disco" pinball back glass, craved unicorns out of wood, and built a lighted Shelf around it. It rules. He even painted it pink

Well, there you have it. This is kinds fun, you know, making people in Internet land look at stuff I like. I'll be posting more often, and hopefully within time I'll learn how to actually use this thing.
Thanks for reading