Every year around this time I start thinking about how much I want a uniform. I toy around with the idea of getting a job there for a week, I scour ebay, I lament and whine about the subsequent failure of either idea and I hope upon hope that I will magically find one before Halloween, promising myself that I will make one if time starts running out. More often the not I forget a few months later and then the cycle begins anew the following Winter.
So here is my public promise that I will have a hot dog on a stick uniform to wear on All Hallows Eve this year or at least a very crafty reader or friend will help me make one. Hint, hint. On Halloween 2011 I will proudly sport my bitchin outfit and I promise to carry corn dogs to hand out.

In slightly related news Disneyland was totally radical. I'm still processing the overwhelming amount of information so I will do a full update in a couple days.

Brock looking adorable in his hotdog outfit and Sigourney looking....well looking something but I don't think it is adorable.