Friday, September 2, 2011


So my girl Helen blogged about this way back in April but as I also am a huge, HUGE fan of the film I could help but post a little Thrashin blog of my own.

I mean, Fuck, how cool is this movie. Definitely a quintisential 80's California skate flick featuring some of the top names in skateboarding, radical fashion, and a gang of miscreants (all of who I certainly dated when I was a teenager)

All I gotta say is Fuck the Ramp Locals, Daggers RULE!!!!! Though Josh Brolin most def is an uber babe in this cinematic classic.

Check out Helen's blog, Helldini Chronicles for some rad reading!

1 comment:

  1. I knew you would do a better job bloggin about it than I! And why haven’t we had a Thrashin themed party? WTF?
