1) Get a Bike…..and ride it
2) Really, truly organize my closet
3) take a tropical vacation, it's been a year and I'm itching for some white sand beaches bitches
4) Get my finger tattoo removed (Hey kids, don't do it!)
5) Not freak out about 30 looming closer and closer and just fucking come to terms with it
6) Blog at least 3X a week (this really is a present for you, I am very selfless)
7) Outline my business plan, get off my ass and start getting the wheels turning
8) Start doing my own mani/pedis (seeing as I'll be a broke business owner soon this will be necessary
9) Plant a vegetable garden
10) Make my holiday gifts (see reason for #8)
11) Go to Disney Land at least twice
12) Visit the farmers market on a more regular basis
13) Go on a weekend getaway with my mom
14) Put out our Crystal Ball Street Kids tape
15) Play a Crystal Ball Street Kids show
16) Stay out all night, till the sun comes up
17) Write more to my overseas family
18) Have a Vegas weekend (next month for Bart's bday!!)
19) Finish Donny and I's secret bar project
20) go dancing more
21) Get a new daily driver. Something completely boring and reliable
22) Go on a camping trip in the van
23) Make sure the people closest to me know how much I love them
24) Finish our bedroom makeover
25) Do some bitchin photo shoots
26) party waaaay more.
27) Perfect a karaoke song
28) Learn to skate backwards
29) Take more chances
also, someone make me this cake.